We are honoured to introduce the one and only, JJ Virginto The Dr. Steven Show.
Nutrition and fitness expert and four-time NY TIMES Bestselling author, JJ Virgin helps people discover valuable, easy-to-implement strategies to lose weight, eat well, turn back the clock, and become their healthiest most vibrant self.
In today's episode of The Dr. Steven Show, JJ not only measures Dr. Steven's body fat, but teaches us how simple 1% shifts can transform our health.
Stay tuned!
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"When you’re losing weight, if you’re not losing your waist you’re doing worse, not better." - JJ Virgin
Show Notes:
- Discussing the true health value of milk
- The lack of Vitamin D
- What are the effects of food intolerance
- Is milk a drug?
- The opiate effect of breakfast cereal
- The story behind The Virgin Diet book
- Is almond milk better for your bones than dairy milk?
- What is food porn and how is it bad for your health?
- The antiviral power of coconut milk
- JJ Virgin gets her callipers on Dr Steven’s belly
- How do you lose weight but keep the muscle?
- FAB -> Fat Above Belt
- The essential 2-3% fat levels for men
- The importance of keeping a journal and staying accountable
- JJ's tips on how NOT to overeat during the holidays
"People who weigh themselves every day tend to stick to their program." - JJ Virgin
Links Mentioned:
- Tweet me #thedrstevenshow
- Get your copy of The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin
- Get your copy of JJ Virgin's Sugar Impact Diet
- Connect with JJ:
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