I didn't want to seem weak.
Fugget about it.
Being vulnerable and asking for help?
Sure, I'll get right on that.
My partners will understand.
Uh huh.
Admitting I was stressed to the brink?
Then the Press spoke of another doctor suicide.
A resident at a Manhattan hospital died after jumping off its roof.
Many doctors contemplate ending it.
One-half of doctors experience long-term, unresolvable work-related stress.
Moral injury.
One doctor a day ends their own life in the United States.
That's the highest suicide rate of any profession.
I lost a fellow medical student to suicide.
I was afraid.
Afraid to admit I wasn't a hundred percent.
Afraid to ask for help.
Afraid of the stigma.
Being seen as fragile.
Too sensitive.
That's bullshit.
True strength is in seeking help.
True courage is standing up for myself.
Taking a stand for my own wellness.
Especially my mental health.
Meditation and yoga are good.
But only a small part of the solution here.
I needed to make time to talk to my colleagues.
To connect authentically.
To not be afraid of vulnerability.
To get help.
It might get worse before it gets better.
If we all don't make some noise right now.
We must come together in this rebellion.
The rebellion of healer heal thyself.
Standing together for our own wellness.
When we help each other, we'll be able to help our patients better.
There's a predicted major shortage of doctors by 2030.
The essence of the rebellion is not even a protest.
It's about being okay with being vulnerable.