It's hard to be good.
It's harder to be very good.
It's crazy hard to be crazy good.
It's next to impossible to be the best.
To be the best is as hard as it is few and far between.
To be the best is not an absence of failure.
It's never giving up.
It's never giving in to the bullshit.
It's a state of mind.
It's the confidence to try again and again until you nail it.
Until your undeniably the best.
The most difficult challenge a human being can face is perseverance in light of failure.
Study how others persevered.
Study the past greats.
Believe in yourself.
No matter the circumstances.
No matter the criticism.
No matter what is thrown at you.
No matter how you're thrown.
No matter what.
I've been knocked down lots of times.
I've learned to stand up once more.
I love the Japanese proverb, Nanakorobi yaoki (七転び八起き), which means “fall seven times, stand up eight."