I wake up.
I motivate myself.
To overcome perfectionism.
I tell myself that today is the day.
Today will be different.
I'll finally overcome perfectionism.
And I'll overcome it imperfectly.
I'll be okay with being imperfect.
I'll unlearn what I think I know about perfectionism and how to overcome it.
Because perfectionism always kills my joy.
Kills the moment.
My imperfect moments.
Life is a series of imperfect moments.
Imperfect actions.
Imperfect challenges.
Imperfect big goals.
Imperfect smaller, more achievable goals.
Imperfect deadlines.
Imperfect plans.
Imperfect ways to beat perfectionism.
Imperfect ways to start.
Imperfect ways to start building the non-perfectionism habit.
Imperfect ways to start building small imperfect actionable steps.
It takes imperfect courage.
It takes imperfect me.