Itchy face, itchy face I'm not touching you
Itchy face, itchy face it's not your fault...
I spent the day with my ten-year-old son.
No Sixers, Flyers, Phillies, or Eagles.
We went on a mini-adventure.
No screens.
Just us.
Explorers of a new world.
Visitors from a galaxy far, far away.
Bran Solo and Chewbaccadad.
What did you like when you were ten?
I liked Star Wars (obviously), comic books, drawing cartoons, and making cassette tape radio shows.
Josh and I would have "funny contests."
Whoever could make his sister Sherri laugh faster won.
Todd and I would be private investigators, "Slick and Jones."
We'd look for pretend bad guys around the neighborhood.
Marc and I would make fake soap operas.
Commercial parodies and all.
Kevin and I would create ridiculous disco routines to the best of the Bee Gees.
Mini Travoltas.
Jon and I had a British pop group called The Killas.
Complete with two-part harmonies.
Brian, Frank, Todd and I made a movie about our evil bleach-blonde gym teacher.
He was out to get us.
What did you do to explore your ten-year-old world?
What was your "funny contest?"
My son brought out the best in me today.
We walked the dogs.
Like Bran and Chewdaddy from another planet.
Star Wars.
We drew a funny cartoon character together.
Comic books.
We explored our minds and souls.
Interviewed each other about what we like(d) as ten-year-olds.
Radio show.
Saw who could make Mom laugh faster.
Funny contest.
It’s never too late.
Do your "loved it when I was ten" activity today.
What else do you have to do?
Force yourself if you have to.
You will soon be that free-flowing ten-year-old creator.
You always were.
Share the daily dose with someone you love.