Welcome to today's episode of The Dr. Steven Show! Today we're talking about something very important to me and dear to my heart. Ever since I started my medical education, I had struggled with anxiety and coping with my difficult schedule. And unfortunately, this schedule brought with it some really poor eating habits that made my anxiety even worse, and eventually resulted in skin cancer. I was distraught and had no idea how to proceed into a healthier life, but there were a few key people and books that really helped me through that time. And one of the most important books was "Cancer-Free with Food" by our guest today, Liana Werner-Gray.
Liana is a nutritionist and the author of best-selling books "The Earth Diet", "Cancer-Free with Food", and most recently "Anxiety-Free with Food". Born in Perth, Western Australia, the majority of Liana's upbringing was in Alice Springs, which is right in the center of Australia, called Outback Australia. From a young age, Liana learned a lot from the indigenous people and was fascinated how the indigenous people took from the Earth to support their existence, and then gave back to the Earth, living in a very harmonious healthy way. Noticing that the indigenous people were never overweight and the cancer rate was 0%, she compared the choices of the indigenous people to her grandfather’s who ate a lot of processed food, and knew that there were consequences to how we treat our bodies.
Listen in to learn why Liana believes our diet is the root cause of many of our illnesses, and how you can make the change into a healthier diet today.
"As a nutritionist we aren't allowed to give medical advice or prescribe medicine, and I just don't think doctors should have the right to give nutrition advice." - Liana Werner-Gray
"Accountability is everything." - Liana Werner-Gray
Show Notes:
- How Liana developed the ideas in her newest book "Anxiety Free With Food"
- What "anxiogenic" foods are and why you should have less in your diet
- The first steps you can take in reducing your intake of anxiety-producing foods
- How broccoli sprouts can keep you healthier than you think
- Liana's childhood and what inspired her to become a nutritionist
- How to change your mindset to change your diet
- What the earth diet is and how it has helped Liana
- Why Liana believes that doctors should not be allowed to give nutritional advice
- What you can do today to get on the path to a healthier diet
- How dairy is not necessarily bad and who it's good for
- Why accountability is everything when changing diets, and why progress is more important than perfection
"Health issues did not exist in indigenous culture or paleo times." - Liana Werner-Gray
Links Mentioned:
- Get a copy of Liana's books:
- Cancer-Free with Food: A Step-by-Step Plan with 100+ Recipes to Fight Disease, Nourish Your Body & Restore Your Health
- Anxiety-Free with Food: Natural, Science-Backed Strategies to Relieve Stress and Support Your Mental Health
- The Earth Diet: Your Complete Guide to Living Using Earth's Natural Ingredients
- Nama Well Juicer - Use code 'liana' for 50% off!
- Connect with Liana at The Earth Diet
- Liana's Organics Anxiety-Free Supplement is now on Amazon