We all dream.
We all have dreams.
We all had dreams.
Some remember last night's dream.
Others have been dreaming their whole life.
But never remember.
Some dreams have been long forgotten.
Blown off.
We're alive when we're dreaming.
We're dead when we stop dreaming.
People today have forgotten their dreams.
It's easier to be outraged and destroy possibility.
They destroy dreams with self-sabotage.
Thinking that this is how it is, period.
And it will always be like this.
And that is that.
But we can always dream of something better.
Most people are afraid to keep dreaming.
"I'm too old."
"I'm too this."
"I'm too that."
We can all afford to dream.
At any age.
In any circumstance.
Why can’t we dream of a happier existence?
Because we really don't want a happier existence.
We're used to things the way they are.
We're safe.
We're secure.
We're comfortable.
Safe, secure, and comfortable is now who we are.
It's who we identify with.
We all have dreams.
Start identifying with your dreams instead of your comfort.
We can create the work we dream of creating.
We can start by simplifying our lives.
And simplifying our dreams.
Start with "a little bit better dreams."
Today I dream of feeling a little bit better than yesterday.
Today I dream of expressing myself a little bit more than yesterday.
Today I dream of dreaming a little bit more than yesterday.