I was lost.
Wandering around life with no direction.
Desperately searching for a guide.
A sherpa.
There was nothing for miles around.
No map.
No trail.
I screamed, "Hellooooooo, anyone out there?"
I was about to give up.
Give in.
Lay down.
Close my eyes.
Go to sleep.
Then suddenly a footstep in the grass.
A tiny step.
An inkling of a path.
It seemed to appear from nowhere.
But clearly another had walked here before me.
I put one foot in front of the other.
As I kept going, the path became more defined.
A trail leading up the mountainside.
My solution was there all along.
I couldn't see it because I was looking too hard.
Eyes too squinched.
I just had to look down at my own feet.
Had to keep walking.
Solutions are dreamed up by individuals.
Those few individuals take a step.
Make a path.
Make a difference.
A difference for others.
Advocates for those who don't have voices.
More blessed to give than to receive.
Thank you.