We've got to do what we can.
What we can, like wash our hands.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Cover your nose when you sneeze.
Put the rest of us at ease.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Cancel large public gatherings.
These are some important things.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
No unnecessary travel.
Don't let yourself unravel.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
If you feel sick, stay at home.
Do your part when all alone.
Spread calm, Spread calm.
The goal now is to flatten the curve.
With everyone's help, it's not absurd.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Practice social distancing.
Working from home is the new king.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Reduce face-to-face a lot.
Cancel everything you got.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Remote-access is the best.
Just login like all the rest.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Don’t you go and touch your face.
We're all part of the human race.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
If you make a grocery run.
Ask old neighbors if their food is done.
Spead calm. Spread calm.
Don't you hoard essential goods.
We're not living in the woods.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Batch your orders all online.
So Amazon can still work fine.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Do your part and educate.
Choose to love instead of hate.
Spread calm. Spread calm.
Listen to the full song here.