I was about to be eaten alive by a big green monster.
The monster was me.
I had to face it.
My own shadow.
My own anger.
Practicing medicine was so stressful that I was Dr. Bruce Banner with the Hulk only one more insurance denial away.
I was living for the moment when I could go home and binge-watch Netflix.
My job was occurring as more annoyance than privilege.
Many of us go through life as Dr. Banners waiting to be pushed to the edge.
Irritated by nearly everything.
Even counting likes, comments, shares.
Enraged waiting to happen.
It doesn’t help when we compare our lives to others all day.
Most of us are like, “Another annoying FB post.
Five more until I hit my daily quota."
Turning green.
Ripping shirt.
Hulk smash.
Rather than more gamma radiation, I simply try this on for size.
"Oh, I get to be in the presence of this wonderful human being who is struggling right now.
What can I do to help them today."
It works.
No more smash.