Love Is The Strongest Medicine: Notes from a Cancer Doctor on Connection, Creativity, and Compassion

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I Scream Man

I Scream Man

I was an ice cream man.

For two summers.

Jack and Jill.

With Andrew Lu.

We were partners.

He was a better ice cream man than I.

How did he do it?

He drove better routes.

Longer hours.

He didn't eat his own supply of chocolate eclairs.

So I asked my eight-year-old kid what he wants to be when he grows up.

"How about an ice cream man?"


"Why not?"

"You can't play Fortnite while driving an ice cream truck."

"Ahhhhh, makes sense."

“Well, what about a doctor?"


I don't know the answer to what he wants to be.

And that's how it should be.

Be creative, young Jedi.

Fly, be free.

I only want one thing for him.

For you.

To explore.

Do whatever it takes to find out what you love.

Be unstoppable in the pursuit.

Just don't eat all your inventory.