"Hello, fear."
I said hello to my fear.
Today it was my fear of failure.
Tomorrow it may be a different fear.
Like the fear of not being perfect.
It's so hard for me to embrace imperfection.
I try to embrace it anyway.
I hug it.
I get to know imperfection.
I become intimate with the fear of imperfection.
I'll put myself in a situation where I know I'll be totally imperfect.
Like stand-up.
Like AGT.
I'll try to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Loving the fear like my own child.
Why not?
It's my own little creation.
I practice holding the fear in my gut.
I practice breathing into the fear.
I practice exhaling the fear with my breath.
That's letting go of my fear.
And I have to do it each time I recognize it.
Like daily.
And love is letting go of my fear.
This whole thing is probably the hardest thing I have to do every day.
To be human is to hold on to fear.
To let fear run the show.
Fear is normal.
Fear will always be there.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a writer.
I'm both.
I won’t let go of either.
I'm open to both.
I love both.
I fear both.
Love matters.
So does fear.
Fear matters in that it teaches me how to love.
I use the fear.
To teach me.
To teach me to transform it.
Into love.
"Hello, fear."
Let's do this.