Choosing never stops.
Choose this not that.
Eat this not that.
Think this not that.
Say this not that.
Do this not that.
Choose this medication, not that medication.
Choose this whole body scan, not that whole body scan.
Choose this instrument, not that instrument.
Choose this lyric, not that lyric.
Choose this joke, not that joke.
Choosey choose choose.
Words like “have”, “must” or “should” are not choosey words.
Choose exactly who you are and who you aren't.
Choosing sounds simple.
It's not.
Choose your thoughts carefully.
Choose your words carefully.
Choose your actions carefully.
Sprinkle some integrity in there for good measure.
Integrity is that place where your thoughts, words, and actions are one and the same.
You can have a huge impact on the world.
Especially your world.
The world of your thoughts, words, and actions.
On your mind.
On your mood.
On your emotions.
On your kids.
On your brothers and sisters.
On integrity showing up in the world.