Love Is The Strongest Medicine: Notes from a Cancer Doctor on Connection, Creativity, and Compassion

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A Lifetime

A Lifetime

Am I stuck?




Ok, I'm not stuck.

Why not?

I'm curious.

I'm not stuck because I'm curious.

About you.

About life.

About my thoughts.

My words.

Curious about my emotions.

My actions.

Curious about yoga.


Curious about my guitar's fretboard.

So hard to master.

Curious about stand-up.

Crazy hard to master.

Curious about songwriting.

Silly hard to master.

But every day I remain curious, I can get better.

But practicing.

One blues scale.

One premise.

One punch.

One good chord progression.

One moving lyric.

I'm curious about practice.

Practicing takes practice.

To make it a habit.

Mastering practice is like mastering life.

Life is practicing practice in the here and now.

Mastering life takes practice.

Practicing mastery takes a lifetime.