I was sick.
Of being sick.
Of being stressed.
Of stress exacerbating everything else going on my life.
My medical practice splitting about at the seams.
Muscle pain.
Every doctor (my friends) said the same thing: “You're fine.”
Then when I got skin cancer they said something like: “You have to balance your immune system.”
Then I would say, “How?”
And I would ask, “Probiotics?”
“Worth a try,” they’d say.
So I started taking VSL#3 double strength probiotic.
And I did the TM training.
Results: I got better.
My health journey to that point was awful.
I had neglected my health.
Finally, I decided I needed to listen to my own advice.
That meant:
• Twice daily meditation.
• Twice daily yoga
• Twice daily probiotics.
• Keto diet.
• Intermittent fasting.
But do you know the best thing about taking control of my health?
I got to say no.
No to anything disempowering.
No to junk food.
No to staying up late.
No to distracting notifications.
No to mindless snacking.
No to iPhones in the bedroom.
No to email upon awakening.
No to skipping workouts.
No to repressing emotions.
No to not following my heart.
No to making myself wrong.
No to feeling not good enough.
Then I said yes.
To the life I'd been dreaming about.
To life.
To me.
To you.
To us.
To right now.