Love Is The Strongest Medicine: Notes from a Cancer Doctor on Connection, Creativity, and Compassion

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Without You

Without You

I'm afraid I won't nail my talk tonight.

But being afraid gets me nowhere, right?

But when I embrace the fear, allow it to be a normal part of being human -- something else opens up.

Something on the other side of the "fear hugging.”

My fear starts losing its punch.

Imagine the fear as a little dragon on your shoulder.

'Sup fear?

This talk is freakin me out.

Oh, I'm human --  riiiiiight.

I forgot for a sec.

I was pretending to be a perfectionistic robot dufus.

You're fear, that's what you do.

I feel you.

I'm giving you a hug.

A little squeeze and then you're off.

Go on...

Then I'm doing the talk anyway.

Without you.