I asked my first patient today, "So, how's life?"
She replied, "It keeps on truckin', day by day."
Her life keeps on truckin'.
Definition: Keeps on going.
Day by day.
Minute by minute.
Keep on truckin' was massively popular in the 1970s.
Associated with the eighteen-wheelers that schlep goods across states and across the country.
Driving for long stretches of time, they're something that just keeps going.
Like life.
Hey! Don’t fall asleep at the wheel.
The steering wheel of life.
I'm gonna. I’m too tired.
Just hang with me for a little bit longer and you’ll wake right up.
Come on.
Keep reading.
Just keep truckin’, and you’ll feel better in no time at all!
Then the next life challenge happens.
You look terrible. What’s wrong?
I think I’m going to fail.
Maybe I should just quit.
Don’t say that! You can do it. Just keep truckin’!
I tried to do that already, but I feel hopeless.
Then we’ll get you to be like Yoda.
Do keep truckin' or do not keep truckin'.
There is no try.
Maybe embracing my inner Yoda will help.
It can’t hurt.
After the awesome “Fare Thee Well” shows in Chicago and Santa Clara, Calif., a few former Grateful Dead members made a decision.
They decided to keep truckin’.
Keep on truckin’.
Don't give up.
We still have us.
You're still reading.
Keep doing what you're doing.
You will succeed.