There's so much "publishing is dead" porn out there.
"You don't need a publisher."
"Do it yourself."
I don't know.
Seems like those few successful self-published types have a huge following.
A huge built-in following.
Which is exactly what publishers want you to have.
To make a deal.
It's like chicken and egg.
What comes first.
Book then followers?
Followers then book?
Are you blogging for followers?
Or are you blogging to blog?
To make a difference out there?
In the twitterverse.
The instaverse.
The faceverse.
With a real human being.
A difference in their life.
Start with one human.
One difference-making mission.
It's all nothing without a real live human being on the other end of the socialverse.
Someone who gets you.
Who loves what you do.
If you got a book published then...
Then what?
Everyone will see how {blank} you are.
Fill in the blank.