I'm grateful for today.
Because I got another day.
My job is to create joyful experiences today.
Because I may not be here tomorrow.
Don't get me wrong.
Tomorrow matters.
But the miracle is today.
The life around me right now.
Experienced through micro-moments of love.
I love hearing the birds chirping this micro-moment.
I've got lots of micro-moments.
I expect some will be filled with lovely stuff.
And some may be filled with disappointment.
Dial in the expectations of joyful moments.
When you expect them, you'll intuitively create them.
Because each micro-moment is a creative process.
A tiny step executed with love.
The same is true for you.
Put your creative effort behind small joyful moments.
They'll snowball.
Focus on what you can do right now.
Look at the leaves swaying in the wind.
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine your favorite person.
Really imagine being with them.
Now call them.
Keep your eyes closed.
Experience the love you have for this individual.
We can all create.
We can all make choices.
Choose to think about joy.
Choose to create joy daily.
With your thoughts.
With your words.
With your actions.
“What we think, we become.” — Buddha