Love Is The Strongest Medicine: Notes from a Cancer Doctor on Connection, Creativity, and Compassion

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They'll Never Be

They'll Never Be

Stop trying to fix them.

To change them.

To make the relationship better.

It won't work.

Only one thing will.

Knock them down.

Punch with power.

The power of your words.

Words of acceptance.

Of tolerance.

Of unconditionality.

Then build.

From the ground up.

Brick by brick.

Stone by stone.

Conversation by conversation.

That's when a real relationship begins.

When you really know someone.

Who they are.

Who they aren't.

When you can let them be who they are.

Just as they are.

Just as they aren't.

Just as they've been.

Just as they've never been.

Just as they'll be.

Just as they'll never be.