I'm superficial.
I want the good spot on the couch.
"That's my spot!"
I love that spot.
The superficial love.
I want the corner office.
I like windows.
I hate fluorescent lighting.
I love the natural "magic hour" light.
The superficial love.
I wear jeans with holes in them.
I bought them like that.
I love the partially stitched up hole.
The superficial love.
I want to give the closing talk at the event.
I love going last.
The superficial love.
I want decent seats at Dead and Company.
I love seeing John's fingerwork.
The superficial love.
I'm stupid to be so superficial.
But I can't help it.
I was stupid when I bought my first guitar.
I loved the color.
The superficial love.
The thing about the superficial love:
None of it makes a difference in my life.
In how my kids relate to me.
In how connected my wife feels to me.
Not compared to my substance.
Or my integrity.
I'm opting out of the superficial love.
I’ve got some critial stuff to deal with.