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How I Changed My Approach To Life And Found Success

How I Changed My Approach To Life And Found Success

My approach.

Just one approach.

Not right.

Not wrong.

Just one guy's approach.

With that said:

Embrace beginner's mind.

A mind of wonder.

Of curiosity.

Of only beginning.

Only 1% done.

Create a ripple in the space-time continuum.

Be like a gravitational wave.

Ripples in the universal fabric known as space-time that were first predicted by Albert Einstein.

Disturb the fabric of my little universe.

Don't fight a battle I can't win.

Like anything I have no control over.

Like what you think

Be slow and steady.

In breath and breadth.

Play for the long game.

Be mindful when I can.

Empty my full mind each night.

By writing.

Throw up all over the page.

Get out.

Create a good story.

By repeating these steps when I forget my approach.

Like now.