Ah, the lifelong struggle to be the best version of myself.
The SuperDuperUltraMegaBodyMindSoul me.
Like if Tim Ferriss and Deepak Chopra had a baby.
You too?
I know you care about your health.
All of it.
Mental, physical, spiritual.
I know you care about your healthy micro-actions.
What you eat and how you exercise.
How you meditate and hold a yoga pose.
Am I doing it right?
What does the latest research show is the best way?
I strive and sweat but I can never fully control the outcome.
What if I get a cold and miss some workouts and eat tons of toast and chicken noodle soup?
What if my runny nose needs blowing mid-meditation?
Most of the time I come up a tad short of my optimum SuperDuperUltraMegaBodyMindSoul goals.
What if I could give up some of the attachment?
That my mind-body-soul has to be a certain percentage better than last week.
Better than my yoga mat neighbor.
What if I could just focus on giving my diet, my workout, my mantra, my all this moment?
Then let it go.
With no "making myself wrong" for how it went.
Like the outcome of that meal, that meditation, that workout, is just the outcome of that meal and that meditation and that workout.
Whatever it is.
Whatever works.
I don't know what works other than showing up.
Showing up and putting in some effort.
That's it.
I'll just close my eyes tonight and follow my breath.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Microstep: Embrace the daily struggle to be the best version of yourself. Allow yourself to fall short. Love that you showed up. Love that you fell short. Love that you can love that you fell short. Love your daily rollercoaster of being human.