I saw my shadow.
I didn't like what I saw.
My instaddiction.
So I repressed it.
Shelved it for another time.
Consciously let it drift to my unconscious.
Consciously unconscious.
Feeding my false self.
The part of myself that I unconsciously repress.
Then consciously search for.
Search for the hidden determinants of my behavior.
Trying and failing to be more self-aware.
Then showing up to trying again.
I have to look for my shadow.
And eventually play nicely together in the sandbox.
The instasandbox.
The instagratification sandbox.
I have to face my shadow.
Embrace my shadow.
Touch base with my shadow.
Chase my shadow.
Allow grace for my shadow.
Create a safe place for my shadow.
Don't try to erase my shadow.
Give space to my shadow.
Only then can I begin to let go.
And begin to see.
That my shadow days are over.