Chris Rock’s Relationships 101:
1. Stop competing.
a. Your success is her success and her success is your success.
2. You are both there to serve.
a. Like it or not, you’re in the service industry.
3. You gotta “make love.”
a. No matter what mood you’re in.
4. Turn off the cell phone and miss each other.
a. Turn off notifications and tell each other about your day face to face.
5. Stop watching porn.
a. Don’t get desensitized.
6. Truly take care of each other.
a. You can leave each other mentally long before physically. They may, in fact, be already gone.
7. If you’re waiting for something good to happen in the relationship, it’s probably never going to.
a. Keep it interesting with your significant other by going out and making something happen.
8. The grass isn't greener on the other side.
a. Every problem you have today, you had when you met. Better off to fertilize your own lawn.