I desperately needed a routine.
A morning routine.
A midday routine.
An evening routine.
Any effing routine would do.
A ritual.
A ritual chock full of tiny healthy habits.
It was time to wake up.
Time to be present to my inner Captain Caveman.
He didn't have an alarm clock.
I hate alarm clocks.
Hate everything about them.
Even the ones that promise to be Zen-like.
So I wake up to the sun.
Like he did.
I sit in my cave for a few minutes.
"Me need a little me time."
Maybe meditate.
I don't know.
Perhaps recite a short poem.
Then I leave my cave.
I go outside.
Early morning sun is good for sleep regulation.
Yay, melatonin.
I take the extra time to walk.
To walk outside deliberately and with mindful awareness.
During this time, I put yesterday aside.
So I can enter today with freshness and goodwill.
"Me like this feeling."