We all feel "(Just Like) Starting Over."
Starting over with relationships.
With discovering what's most important.
Most important to get through the day.
And "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night."
We're "Watching the Wheels" of our lives turning in entirely new ways.
All of us on our 'new normal' merry-go-rounds.
I'm a "Jealous Guy" when people say their bored.
I'm never been busier.
I pray that we'll all have a "Happy Xmas when this (War Is Over)."
Sheltering in place is certainly playing "Mind Games" with us all.
Strategically scheduled hazmat suit grocery store runs.
Spreading calm to "Give Peace a Chance" is so vital right now.
Even when my "Mother" is scheduling Zoom meetings every other day.
Helping others during this time provides "Instant Karma! and demonstrates how (We All Shine On)."
"Imagine" the world when this is all over.
I imagine things will be better.
"You may say I'm a dreamer."
However, as long as we refuse to love each other and as long as there are wars, we need these words of wisdom.
Imagine that.