Doctors are injured.
Morally injured and burned out.
We started out with a lot of heart.
Our hearts are now failing.
Moral injury and burnout lead to depression and worse.
According to a survey on Medscape, there is an epidemic of physician burnout, depression, and suicide.
When the group was asked if they’ve ever been depressed, 90% said yes.
But, only 33% admitted to seeking help.
We just don't want to look bad.
We feel like there are negative consequences to asking for help.
Many go untreated.
And, when untreated, depression can lead to suicide.
According to JAMA, on average, one doctor a day kills themselves.
Our weakened hearts need resuscitation.
With a new kind of automated external defibrillator.
We need to connect with one another and analyze our hearts' electrical activity.
We need to be present to the difference we make and give a life-saving electric shock of love when needed.
Without these soulful shocks, we forget why we became doctors in the first place.