These days, we all have more than enough to be stressed out about.
The economy.
Wars, the nightly news.
Notifications on our iPhone or Apple Watch.
The junk we’re feeding ourselves.
It can all be too much to bear.
In addition to the deleterious effects stress has on us every day, it can also truly exacerbate symptoms rooted in other diseases.
The more that you hold onto this stress, the more that you worry and fret without reaching out for help, the more pain you’re going to experience.
Your relationships should help alleviate some of that stress, not add to it.
Remember to be kind to yourself, be compassionate and understanding of your limitations and situation.
It’s alright to be stressed, so don’t stress out more about being stressed!
It’s not alright to deny yourself the help you need.
Start with these three simple steps:
1. Embrace the stress. Give it a mental hug. You’re human. It’ll all turn out alright.
2. Release it; just like Idina Menzel sings, let it go.
3. Breathe and repeat. Sit somewhere quietly, close your eyes and just start to notice your breathing.