Say it with me.
Like a mantra.
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Omit the fish if you're vegan.
And get an excellent vegan mentor.
I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
But Eva wanted to know if she should take shark cartilage.
She has stage III breast cancer.
"Will it help?"
"But my cousin read that it cured a woman named Shirley in Austin, Texas."
I hear you, Eva.
Don't waste your money.
Say it again.
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Negates the need for supplements.
You know this.
If you choose to try a supplement, learn from my horrendous mistakes.
I've blown thousands of dollars.
Being a supplement-sucka-guinea pig.
I worked in a health food store.
During med school.
Tried every last one of 'em.
Trying to get an edge.
Trying to fix my insecurities.
I was too skinny as a kid.
Weight gain powder.
Didn't work.
No muscles.
Take creatine.
Didn't work.
Bad hair.
Hair, skin, and nails formula.
Didn't work.
Too anxious.
Valerian root.
Didn't work.
Too stressed.
Didn't work.
Too tired.
Didn't work.
Crazy memorization for exams.
Ginkgo biloba.
Didn't work.
The list goes on and on.
What eventually worked?
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Look, I want you to feel a tiny bit better each day.
Which actually counts for something.
Something better than supplements.
Say it with your family physician.
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Decades of research.
No substantial evidence.
That most vitamins and supplements do any significant good.
Vitamin D is an exception.
Get your Vitamin D level checked by your primary care doc.
Take it if your levels are low.
Keeps your bones strong.
Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut.
Vitamin D is hard to get from food.
Take folic acid if you're pregnant, or if you might want to get pregnant.
That's it.
Repeat it as you're meditating...
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Pay attention to what supplements you're taking.
Get rid of most of them.
Keep the fab-five-foods.
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."
Go slow.
Play the long game with your diet.
With your exercise.
With your sleep.
With your soul.
Forgive yourself and others.
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil, and Nuts."