I had asthma as a kid.
I needed allergy shots too.
I take an antihistamine daily.
Despite nearly dying in a bike accident at age thirteen, I'm still here.
I had skin cancer.
I had colitis.
Almost every "itis" one can imagine.
One red and inflamed dude.
It's all gone.
Because of my early training that the mind and body are deeply connected.
Once I took responsibility for my difficulties in life, I was able to recognize when stress was creeping in and showing up as an "itis."
I learned to accept and not awfulize.
I learned to meditate.
To do yoga.
To reinvent my mind-body wellness from the inside out.
And repeat when necessary.
Do you?
Everyone is affected by stress.
It's part of life.
It's what you do with the stress.
Don't make it wrong.
Embrace it.
From stress comes strength.
From rigidity comes resiliency.
From fear comes fierceness.