Don't wait.
Don't wait for circumstances.
Don't wait for circumstances to be.
Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect.
Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect to do.
Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect to do it.
They'll never be.
Do it anyway.
Do it because you said you would.
Do it because your word has power.
If you do what you say by when you say.
And tell on yourself when you don't.
Then recommit with more.
More umph.
More gusto.
More disco.
More cowbell.
More of whatever works.
Whatever works to get you moving.
Moving in the direction of your life.
Can you hear the Bee Gees?
Blue Oyster Cult?
Don't wait to dance.
To boogie.
Don't wait to play your cowbell.
Because we all need more cowbell.
Don't wait to live.