Love Is The Strongest Medicine: Notes from a Cancer Doctor on Connection, Creativity, and Compassion

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Beginner’s Mind and Beginning to Get Healthier

Beginner’s Mind and Beginning to Get Healthier

  •  I NEVER assume I know everything about health.

  • There's human physiology that we still don't fully understand.

  • I always look for the smart doctors, nurses and patients to enlighten me.

  • Patients teach doctors more about being human than doctors teach patients.

  • I talk to patients every day.

  • I talk to people who work in every aspect of the healthcare industry, from integrative medicine doctors to meditation teachers to naturopaths to functional medicine practitioners to health writers to media.

  • The word doctor is originally an agentive noun of the Latin verb docēre meaning 'to teach'.

  • I learn from you every day.

Microstep: Approach your health with "beginner's mind." There's so much that we have yet to learn about optimal wellness.