Acta non verba.
“Actions, not words.”
Bill had this tattooed on his arm.
He was in the exam room with his wife today.
Made me think.
All the sh*tty words I've used.
"I won't be able to do this."
Disempowering words.
Driving to my very first medical board exam.
I threw up before the test.
I've said those types of words over and over again throughout my life.
I've taken action anyway.
Maybe it's happened to you.
Maybe it's happening to you now.
I still took the board exam.
I passed.
Acta non verba.
“Actions, not words.”
No matter when it happened, I felt momentary self-doubt.
A momentary lapse of reason.
Of self-love.
Of self-care.
Yes, I could experience it anywhere.
Pick a situation.
Dating my now wife.
"She won't like me as much as I like her."
I still asked her to marry me.
Acta non verba.
“Actions, not words.”
I'm still outta my league, but that's for a future note.
Anything like that occurred in the last few months for you?
Chances are there was a moment of self-doubt.
It may have pulled you away from the moment.
From the action.
Acta non verba.
“Actions, not words.”
Those actions, though, don't need to be heroic.
Take the idea of self-care.
Sounds too squishy and sensitive?
Take action.
There's a reason people flock to medical spas.
Allow yourself to take care of yourself.
No matter how you feel about it.
No matter what words you use.
"I don't have time."
"I'm so busy."
Acta non verba.
“Actions, not words.”
Take action to take care of yourself.