Please, no.
Not you.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Stop taking yourself so seriously.
Work on your self-compassion instead.
No matter what.
Not tomorrow.
Go, please do whatever you need to do.
Bring self-compassion to the forefront of the doing.
The most important time for self-compassion is when you've hit a bump in the road.
The painful stuff.
A bump can hurt.
Yet a bump is just a bump.
Let it be what it is.
What it wants to be.
You sit with the bump and have compassion for the bump.
And for yourself for experiencing the bump.
When you embrace and cuddle the bump, you'll start to feel better.
It's not a lie.
It takes time.
We all have bumps in the road of life.
It's how you handle them that makes all the difference.
Loving yourself, the bumps, and your feelings about the bumps builds self-compassion.
Love them all.