Is everything.
I gotta work out my accountability muscle.
Like I would work out when the earth moves under my feet.
When the impulse strikes.
I'd eat healthier if it was only easier.
Easy is not the key to unlock my two-pack (six is out of the question).
Accountability is key.
I gotta review my day.
Every day.
With an accountability partner.
Not an app.
Not just me.
Speaking to a human being like a living and breathing journal.
When I do this, I'm being human.
A human being actually being human.
Human with the struggle.
Human with the imperfection.
Human with fighting the good fight.
Taming my temper.
Unempowering my urges.
Facing my fears.
Dealing with my own death.
So far I've lived 17,576 days.
I have a lot of work to do to make each day left filled up.
Filled up with health.
Filled up with wonder.
Filled up with love.