Sometimes, “nothing” works.
There's nothing like it.
Being human.
So be a human being.
Don’t be a human doing.
But how can we just be?
We have to do do do, all the time time time.
The Police even said “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.”
And I’m sure Sting didn’t mean “Just Do It.” What with being a tantra practitioner and all.
So here’s 10 steps, nearly impossible to achieve, but here they are anyway.
Give it a shot. You might find that you like how you feel afterwards, even for a brief moment.
Give yourself permission to “Ba Be Be Be, Ba Bu Bu Bu”.
1. Find comfortable couch.
2. Sit upright.
3. Close eyes.
4. Rest hands on lap, palms facing up.
5. Take a deep breath in and let it out with a “haaaaaaa” sound.
6. Now breathe normal.
7. Notice your breathing pattern.
8. Feel the sensation of your lungs expanding with air on inhalation and contracting when you exhale.
9. Notice when your not noticing your breathing pattern.
10. Go back to noticing your breathing pattern.
BONUS # 11!
11. Don’t make yourself wrong for those times when you notice that your not noticing your breathing pattern.
Microstep: Repeat the steps above twice a day. Start with a total of one minute each time. Just one. The next day add one more minute. Repeat until you get to twenty minutes twice a day. Let yourself take a long time to get to twenty minutes each session.